The nature/nurture debate rages daily in our house. Two teenage children; one obsessive compulsive argumentative and one budding geneticist ensure there’s never a dull moment. Rationalism is all. But somehow I can’t escape the nurtured superstition. It’s completely irrational to nod three times when you see a magpie, as the father of my children told me. At least until a trailer of rowing boats reversed into his car. He still nods three times when he sees a magpie.

Another bird-related superstition that I cannot escape, was instilled into my sixteen-year old brain when studying for O levels. 

The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
Under my battlements.
So says Lady Macbeth- dooming my mind to a lifetime of associating ravens with death.
Some years ago I taught a lovely little girl, whose father came and told me his cancer was inoperable and he would die in the next few weeks. One morning I came in early and there was a single raven on the playground. I felt cold. The child’s father had died in the early hours. So much for the rational mind.
Earlier this year, I too was diagnosed with cancer. Irrationally I railed that I couldn’t have cancer because I have two teenage children. The educationalist in me was furious that I had got it just at the time when my health could completely screw up one child’s GCSEs and the other’s A levels. 
The first day I went into my school after my diagnosis, there was a raven on the playground. There was a stillness that I have never felt before or since. 
So with as much fury and bluster as I could mange, I chased the bugger away.

One thought on “Superstition ain’t the way

  1. Hello – My name’s Juliet Platt and I’m a writer with Swindon Link magazine. Roger Ogle directed me to your blog and wondered if you would be prepared to do an interview about your experience with breast cancer? If you’re interested you can reach me on Swindon 727994. Good luck with the blog – it’s a great way to document things. I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes Juliet

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